Wednesday, March 25, 2015

China, Hubei - Wuhan Tour (I)

Photo by Bo. W
I did not plan to go to Wuhan. Because my understanding of Wuhan, only Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, the Yellow Crane Tower, which is known to the country, "the head of the nine bird" in the title. Because my mother, a nagging old lady, she wanted to go back to Wuhan. Wuhan, she has an unforgettable memory.

Photo by Bo. W
My family's old lady, her age is quite old, but her actions quickly. She did not retire, of course, have to let the boss know that she wants to take a vacation. Everything is going well, she got seven days of vacation. We bought a high-speed rail tickets at 8 o'clock in the morning, arrived in Wuhan at noon.

Photo by Bo. W
From the start of high-speed rail travel, my family’s old lady, began to talk about her classmates, childhood playmates, her father's company, her childhood home, and so on. I did not speak with her. I listened quietly, my eyes looking out the window high-speed rail. Trees, farmland, mountains are rapidly flashed from my eyes, as the years flew flows. Our childhood memories, but it is so profound, so unforgettable.

Photo by Bo. W
When we check in the hotel, my mother's cousin came to join us for lunch. Then her classmates and friends have arrived. They are happy, laughing, hugging each other. I left them alone, stroll along the pedestrian street of Hankou. I was very surprised, are lined up in a variety of old buildings and they are European-style buildings. After I know that, Jianghan Road, which is known as the Museum of the twentieth century construction in Wuhan.

Photo by Bo. W
However, one of these European-style buildings, it was my mother's house, so I have a great surprise. When she was a little girl , her family lived in the buildings. Now it is an office of State Reserves Bureau. I just listen to her talking about her past often, I remember but I did not go seriously. 

Photo by Bo. W
My mother, she has a very rich family. But she is very unfortunate, and her mother died when she was very young. When my mother, her cousin, and me, we went back to my mother's old home. There is a security gate, he would not let us in. When he knows that this building is my mother's home in a few decades ago. He agreed that we go to visit. Walked into the building, my mother was very excited. She and her cousin, pointing to the direction of the corridor, said to me, it was a place to ride a bike, when they are children.

Photo by Bo. W
This is a five-story building. There are two families of origin. Spacious hallways, tall roof, repair the stairs well, everything as is unchanged. Just missing the elevator next to the stairs. . .

My mother, she is a professional in her industry. Her home is very close to her native land, but did not have time to come back and looked. Maybe she wanted to come back with me. She would like to say a lot of things to me. Now, she realized the desire for many years. Maybe for her, this is a very important thing.