Thursday, September 17, 2015

Germany, Berlin Cathedral

Often into the church, attracted me, not those Gothic and baroque ornate decor. In the middle of the church, impressed me was that those who sincerely pray, involuntary slow down, lit candles, bathed in the huge stained glass windows shed light shot down, the exchange of experience between themselves and God, Thanksgiving.

Berlin Cathedral (Berliner Dom)

Photo by Bo. W
Berlin Cathedral (Berliner Dom), I think its picture appear in all of Berlin tour guide. It is Berlin's spokesperson.

Berlin Cathedral (Berliner Dom), it was built between 1894 - 1905's The Spree River. Now known as the Museum Island in the island. Berlin Cathedral (Berliner Dom) is the largest church in the city of Berlin, it was heavily damaged in the war, and only reopened in 1993.

Photo by Bo. W
Although the church called "Dom", but it's not the cathedral, because never have bishops stationed here.
After removal of the old cathedral, Berlin Cathedral (Berliner Dom) is built for the Hohenzollern family palace and Memorial Church. It was built in the era of Kaiser Wilhelm II, from 1894 to 1905 by Julius Carl Raschdorff design.

Photo by Bo. W
Berlin Cathedral (Berliner Dom) is in accordance with the wishes of William II, built a lavishly decorated with Renaissance-style dome. The Dome Cathedral, measuring 14,473 m (472 × 240 feet), with rich baroque decoration design, the same architect Julius Carl Raschdorff design.

Photo by Bo. W
The church interior modifications fabulous luxury, and shows like Kaiser Wilhelm II was pomp. Marble columns and gilded ornaments very adequate.

During World War II, Berlin Cathedral (Berliner Dom) is severely damaged. Between 1975-1993 has been restored, but the original decoration has been simplified.

St. Hedwig's Cathedral (Sankt-Hedwigs-Kathedrale)

Photo by Bo. W
St. Hedwig's Cathedral (German: Sankt-Hedwigs-Kathedrale) is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Bebel Square (Bebelplatz) in Berlin, Germany. This is the seat of the Archbishop of Berlin.

This cathedral built by the Prussian King Frederick II in the 18th century. In 1773, when the king's friend, Ignacy Krasicki, then Bishop of Warmia (later Archbishop of Gniezno), officiated at the cathedral's consecration.

The church's name comes from Silesia and Brandenburg archbishop of Hedwig of Silesia, in honor of Catholic Silesia immigrants who came to Brandenburg and Berlin.

November 9, 1938, after Kristallnacht massacres, Archbishop Father Bernhard Lichtenberg publicly prayed for the Jews. Bernhard Lichtenberg was arrested by the Nazis and later died on the way to a concentration camp in Dachau. In 1965, Lichtenberg's remains were moved to the crypt of St. Hedwig.

Cathedral was completely destroyed in an air raid in 1943 in Berlin, it was rebuilt in 1952 to 1963.

St. Matthew's Church (St.-Matthäus-kirche)

Photo by Bo. W
From 1844 to 1846 by Friedrich August Stiller designed Neoclassical St. Matthew's Church (St.-Matthäus-kirche), it is the only historic building, which is located near the Berlin TV Tower. It is the national and international art and cultural center in Berlin.

St. Matthew's Church (St.-Matthäus-kirche) is a great concert. In addition to music in worship, the church also organizes chamber music and vocal concert repertoire, from early music to contemporary music and experimental music. Famous artists, such as the members of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, enjoy the wonderful acoustics of St. Matthew's Church (St.-Matthäus-kirche).