Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Universal Studios at Orlando, Florida – Night Time

When night comes, where Universal Studios visually stunning stage performances began. Different performance groups have appeared on each street corner.

Photo by Bo. W
Photo by Bo. W

Photo by Bo. W
Photo by Bo. W

I knew the time was late, the entire Universal Studios has gradually been shrouded in darkness. I did not think the night in the main building, in the light irradiation but seems even more unique.

Photo by Bo. W
Photo by Bo. W

Photo by Bo. W
Photo by Bo. W

At eight o 'clock in the evening, the Christmas parade began, on both sides of the street crowded with tourists. Visitors with laughter, with joy, Universal Studios in the night charming, full of festive atmosphere.

Photo by Bo. W
Photo by Bo. W

Photo by Bo. W
Photo by Bo. W

We walked in the direction of the parking lot, finally see the universal studios front the rotation of the earth, the whole universal studios in the arms of night more charming. If you haven't been to Orlando, next vacation destination can be set here, the city will allow you to get physical and mental relaxation.

Photo by Bo. W
Photo by Bo. W

Photo by Bo. W
Photo by Bo. W