Sunday, September 25, 2016

Niagara Falls

Photo by Bo. W
Niagara Falls (English: Niagara Falls, French: les chutes du Niagara, Niagara from "Ongniaahra" in the Indian language, meaning "Thunder of Waters“. It is a located at the falls on the Niagara River in the Great Lakes region of North America, the average flow of 2407 cubic meters / seconds, with the Iguassu Falls and Victoria Falls and called the world's three largest transnational waterfall.

The Niagara River connected Lake Erie and Lake Ontario and separating the American New York and Ontario, Canada, in the United States through Goat Island about 350 meters wide into cliffs and in two, formed three waterfalls: the American Falls and Horseshoe Falls and Veil of the Bride Falls.

Photo by Bo. W
The American falls within the United States, separated by Goat Island. The American Falls for a small waterfall, in the east of the United States, accounting for 6% of the water, the water is blue. The waterfall 323 meters wide, gap between 52 meters.


Photo by Bo. W
Bridal Veil Falls beside the broad "the American Falls", although only a wisp of carefully, but form a waterfall, so American declared its "independence". Bridal Veil Falls, also in the United States, by the Luna Island separated from the other two waterfalls.

Photo by Bo. W
Horseshoe Falls, located in Canada, its shape like the horseshoe. In Canada the horseshoe falls, accounts for 94% of the water, the river is blue. The waterfall is half ring, 792 meters wide, gap between 58 meters.


Photo by Bo. W
Three of the Niagara Falls, its water surface width of 1160 meters (if combined with Goat Island and the Luna Island, its width of up to 1240 meters). Although divided into three shares, but the same water, the same place of the Niagara River.


Photo by Bo. W
Although the three waterfalls one in Canada, two in the United States, but three waterfalls are geared to the needs of Canada, if you want to see the true character of the waterfall, is to go to the Canadian side, or by boat under the falls of the Niagara River to see clearly.

Photo by Bo. W
There is a Rainbow Bridge built on the Niagara River, the Bridge was also divided according to the boundary of the Niagara River, side belong to Canada, side belong to the United States. Tourists on the bridge boundaries, a feet on one side, can satisfied say: "I stepped in the two countries at the same time the land!