Thursday, October 20, 2016

Canada's "Antarctic"

Canada has four poles, east, south, west and north. The northernmost point of the Nunavut area, the western point of the northwest of the Yukon Territories, and the easternmost point of Newfoundland, which are difficult to reach. Only the most southern point, relatively easy to reach, and 177 km away from the Ontario of London city, only 2 hours. It was much more complex than we imagined in the trip to Canada's "Antarctica", but it also became richer and more interesting.

Photo by Bo. W
Point Pelee National Park

In the morning, the sun is shining, the sky not see a dark cloud, and we drove to Point Pelee National Park. From the city of London, Ontario to Point Pelee National Park, the route is very simple. Along highway 401 has been to the west, in 48 exit, then turn on highway 77, moving south can see the signs of the Point Pelee National Park.

Photo by Bo. W
Point Pelee National Park, was built in 1918. Point Pelee meaning was nothing to do with thunderbolt. Pelee from French, it is "wild", the meaning of "bare". It is said to be the time of the French explorers, he saw are bare rock in Point Pelee on the east side, without any plant and get named.

Point Pelee National Park is located on a small peninsula prominent, it is like a horn, straight into Lake Erie. Point Pelee National Park is the west of the U.S. state of Michigan, and south across the lake in the US state of Ohio. Park area compared to other national parks, it is much smaller, but probably because of its unique geographical position to win the status of the national park.

The tip of the horn is the southernmost point in the entire Canadian land. And the real southern tip of Canadian land, it is Point Pelee Island in Lake Erie, to the south of the Middle Island. The island also belongs to the national park, but is a protected area, visitors cannot go.

Point Pelee National Park, located in the southwest of Ontario, 50 kilometers southeast of Windsor, is also the southernmost point in the whole of Canada. Its area is about 15 square kilometers. On the map, it is like a downward isosceles triangle, 7 kilometers to the south, into the vast Lake Erie.

Photo by Bo. W
We drove to the visitor's car park and took the free shuttle bus. This vehicle is a two-section, open-style, with a canopy, which can shield rain and without prejudice to the viewing, twenty minutes per round-trip passenger circulation.

Photo by Bo. W
We'll see this flag when we get off the shuttle bus, which tells you that you've arrived at the top of the south of Canada. It is the southern tip of the territory in Canada, and thus has a reputation as "Tip of Canada".

Photo by Bo. W
Latitude 42 degrees through the park, and Rome, Italy (41 degrees 54’), Shenyang, China (41 degrees 49’) almost the same latitude. The nearest big city is Detroit (42 degrees 20’). Go to the Tip of the path, you will see the sign in the park.

Photo by Bo. W
This tip-shaped beach, which is about ten meters wide, gradually narrowed forward, the top slowly explored in clear water. Its front of the water and land of convergence, is the Cleveland, Ohio. Standing in sharp on the beach, both sides of the lake, the feeling is still very strange.

Photo by Bo. W
We ride to the east side of the park, the hinterland, the famous big swamp. From a distance to see a tall three story wooden attic, it is a landmark here. To climb the tower, we can look afar, a big swamp.

Photo by Bo. W
Marsh Boardwalk, which is an artificial wooden bridge built in natural wetland, the total length of about one kilometer. Walk along the boardwalk in the lakes and saw the pond on both sides of the fence, the growth of large lotus, some pure white at first glance, some yellow just ready to burst, green leaves be like plate, it is very beautiful.

Photo by Bo. W
Along the way, the lush reed, they blossom everywhere. Everywhere visible light blue dragonfly, circling water; hundreds of color butterfly dancing, dazzling; and hunting them red winged Black Bird, oriole, swallow, homocercal followed......

If you have time, you can also travel to Point Pelee Island. Point Pelee Island is well worth the trip, because our time is not enough, only to leave Point Pelee National Park.

Living in the Hostel, the journey to find a "home."