Friday, July 17, 2015

Germany, Lübeck - - three Nobel laureates

Paul Thomas Mann, Willy Brandt and Günter Wilhelm Grass, the names of the three men on the hobby's history, politics and literature for people who are not unfamiliar. They are German Nobel Prize winner in the 20th Century. In fact, Lübeck addition to these glorious history and architecture, but in the humanities is amazing. Just 20 million people in this town, actually a three Nobel winners in history, the most famous Nobel Prize winner Günter Wilhelm Grass, in 1959 he published "The Tin Drum "he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1999.

Gunter Wilhelm Grass (16 October 1927 - 13 April 2015) was a German writer. Gunter Wilhelm Grass most famous work is "The Tin Drum", which is the European representative works of magic realism, but also Danzig trilogy's first works (the other two works are "Cat and Mouse" with "Dog Years"). His work has strong political overtones, it is considered to have left-wing writer, but he is also the German Social Democratic Party supporters. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded him the 1999 Nobel Prize for Literature that he was "in play inherent in tragic fables portray the forgotten history of the human face."

Gunter Wilhelm Grass characteristics: say out loud what others tried to erase the memory; opened old wounds of this society. It was with such courage, Günter Wilhelm Grass in the past few decades has won the respect in Germany and around the world. He is a writer, an uninviting intellectuals, willing to participate in an expression of opinion, including the expression of political opinions.

Photo by Bo. W
Willy Brandt (1913 - 1992), the German politician. In 1969 – 1974, West German Chancellor Willy Brandt. Willy Brandt was the reunification of Germany, make a significant contribution. In 1971, Willy Brandt won the Nobel Peace Prize when the year. In the same year the US "Time" magazine named him "1971 Newsmaker." Willy Brandt has reached the pinnacle of his career.

Photo by Bo. W
Paul Thomas Mann (June 6, 1875 - August 12, 1955), German writer, 1924 novel "The Magic Mountain" was published, so Paul Thomas Mann reputation worldwide. The early 1930s, Paul Thomas Mann premonition fascist threat, published novella masterpiece "Mario and Magician" (1930), on fascist in Italy, made an atmosphere of terror made vivid description. In 1929, because of "Buddenbrooks" won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

"Buddenbrooks" is basically a book of Paul Thomas Mann's own portrayal. Paul Thomas Mann's grandparents are well-off merchants. Fiction more than 400 people, many people are his friends and relatives as the prototype, he carefully studied the early family letters, ticket number, banquet, luxurious warm scene, curtain material and even his best known, everything is possible showing background of the times, and therefore the book known as the "German version of" Dream of Red Mansions "."


1, Günter Wilhelm Grass House: Exhibition on Nobel Prize winner Günter Wilhelm Grass works and life story. He had studied art, and has not given up painting and sculpture. So his former home is a museum of great literary aesthetic value. You can see the winning "The Tin Drum" in the first printout.
Address: Glockengiessersrasse 21 Tickets: 3 Euro. Tel: 1224192.

2, Gunter Wilhelm Grass Museum (Günter-Grass-Haus) long exhibited his works of plastic arts and literature and art show in close contact in their works. In addition, the museum's garden also features Gunter Wilhelm Grass statue, archives, libraries and shops. This museum through the back door, people will go to the opening in 2007 Willy - Brandt House (Willy-Brandt-Haus), there is the Nobel Peace Prize winner and former German Chancellor of museums and memorials.

3, Willy Brandt House (Willy-Brandt-Haus) is to introduce the Willy Brandt, his 20th century political career (Willy Brandt - Ein politisches Leben im 20. Jahrhundert). He Weimar Republic, to grow during the course of German reunification, but also to understand Willy - Brandt impact so far thought. In addition to his life, democracy, human rights and peace is an important theme in the Memorial.

4, "Dream of Red Mansions", formerly known as "Stones." It is a long chapter in Chinese classical novels, one of China's four masterpieces. Author Cao Xueqin.