Monday, August 10, 2015

Germany, Wismar - Old Port

Photo by Bo. W
From Wismar train station, along a right-hand side of the gravel road to go, you can go to the old port. Most of the buildings along the road retains the original look. Sun through the gap between the buildings, scattered on the gravel road. Air released into the atmosphere with the taste of the sea, accompanied by the sound of a vehicle bumps, its run over gravel. Ancient flavor of life in Europe, a little hit.

Photo by Bo. W
Once the bustling center of the old port of the Hanseatic, Wismar. Here anchored the rich merchant ships, laden with valuable cargo, and the scent of the big, distant world. Today, there are pleasure boats, fishing boats and pleasure yachts. There are smoked fish and delicious fish sandwiches.


Photo by Bo. W
Old Port, where many fishing boats selling fresh fish burgers, the taste is really good. When the Old Port, we missed lunch time, so everywhere is very quiet. In this way the sale of food in fishing boats, I was first met.

Photo by Bo. W
This is a quiet harbor. In good weather, there are a lot of people to the harbor, sit in the sun or take a private boat trip out to sea. Many boats in Old Port, they have a long history.

Photo by Bo. W
This is a quiet harbor, shipbuilding is very well developed. Sea Port has specialized shipyard. Shipbuilding industry is the lifeblood of Wismar. City edge of a huge plant like a large blue blocks. Many boats from here produced, often carrying goods back to the oil port of Wismar, potassium harbor or ocean pier.

Photo by Bo. W
Old Customs House (Altes Zollhaus)

Old Customs House (Altes Zollhaus), at the beginning of the harbor is the built in 1868, a neo-Gothic brick building with pretty, dazzle decorated squadron gables. Today there are a bar and apartments.

Photo by Bo. W
Water Gate (Wassertor)

Leaving the Old Port by the Water Gate (Wassertor),  the last of the original five city gates of Wismar. It was built around 1450 and was integrated into the four-meter high ramparts.

Photo by Bo. W
Old Warehouse

I do not know what year this warehouse is built. But on top of hanging round the warehouse, it shows there is a history of the building.

Photo by Bo. W
In the sunset, I embarked on the train, left Wismar, with a trace of sadness. Wismar, it seems still not been developed tourist city. It came with simple taste, no decorations, no noise, just quietly serene in the Baltic Sea.

1, Wismar is a remote small town, not much traffic with train departures. If you go there to travel, please note that train schedules.

2. If night stay in Wismar, do not go out at night. Wismar night too quiet.