Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Germany, Berlin - Checkpoint Charlie

Photo by Bo. W
Tourists to Berlin, will visit to Checkpoint Charlie. Checkpoint Charlie was not a glorious building, it is a heavy history book.

Photo by Bo. W
After World War II, not only Germany, but Berlin has been divided in four countries, namely the former Soviet Union (East), USA (southwest), the UK (West) and France (northwest).

Photo by Bo. W
From 1947 to 1991, Berlin has been the former Soviet Union and the United States gathering point of the Cold War.

Friedrichstraße Street and Zimmerstrasse Street located at the junction of Checkpoint Charlie, during the Cold War, it is non-between East Berlin and West Berlin German pass mark.

Photo by Bo. W
In August 13, 1961overnight, the completion of the building, then the Berlin Wall. It again will be divided into two parts of Berlin. Berlin Wall (German: Berliner Mauer), East Germany called this wall as "anti-Fascist Defence Wall" (Antifaschistischer Schutzwall), Berlin Wall about 155 km long, about 3-4 meters high. On August 13, 1961 start of construction, beginning with barbed wire as material, then later replaced with a more rugged durability of brick wall.

Photo by Bo. W
Berlin Wall sentry tower (Wachturm von Berliner Mauer) is located in the Busch Park, next to the Cape Sirkin Street, is the last one left. In the Berlin Wall (German: Berliner Mauer) edge of a total of 293 watchtower.

Watchtower is small, but that history is the witness. Take a look at the appearance, you can imagine, when the East German border guards Sentinel is how faithfully vigilant around. Underlying the outpost there is a miniature museum, called "banned Art Museum" (Museum der verbotenen Kunst), specialized exhibition of artists who were spurned former East German works.

Photo by Bo. W
If you want to know more about the Checkpoint Charlie, the Berlin Wall, and the division of Germany during the history, you can go to one side of Checkpoint Charlie Museum (HausamCheckpointCharlie), also known as the Berlin Wall Museum (Mauermuseum). Here was a collection of many ordinary people attempt to cross the Berlin Wall, East Berlin from West Berlin escape story, full of black humor.

It turned out that it is not a purely political cartoons, it is really a photo - the June 22, 1979, the former East German leader Erich Honecker (German: Erich Honecker), and the former Soviet leader Brezhnev (Russian: Леонид Ильич Брежнев), kiss together. It was these two men, two leaders kissing in front of the public, creating a different version of Kiss Berlin Wall graffiti (Photo from the network)

In the October 3, 1990, Berlin once again became the capital of Germany after reunification. It is the young and the old capital of Germany.