Saturday, August 29, 2015

Germany, Berlin - unforgettable history

Photo by Bo. W
Adolf Hitler, a lot of people are familiar with this name, he was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933, from 1934 to 1945 Germany's head of state, he served as supreme commander of the German armed forces during World War II. However, from January to April 30 in 1945, he lives in an underground bunker, known Führerbunker.

Photo by Bo. W
Führerbunker, now it does not exist, to be replaced by a parking lot. However, underground construction Führerbunker, most were destroyed. Führerbunker because it complicated structure itself and still preserved. Führerbunker position where there is a schematic representation of today. And part of the corridor is retained not open to the public.

Photo by Bo. W
The sign above the German, I can only guess "terrors". But the following words: the Gestapo, the SS and the Empire State Security Service, I cannot guess. But look at the surroundings, imagine this place is the remains of the war.

Photo by Bo. W
A piece of land at the edge of Niederkirchnerstraße, who stands some of the Third Reich's most terror organizations: Gestapo headquarters, the Nazi SS Central Command, the SS Security Service, as well as security empire headquarters after 1939. After World War II, the office building was demolished. Preserved only in the basement of the site, as a war warning record.

Photo by Bo. W
The basement, which is the headquarters camp inspectors in 1936, and later became the office of the Gestapo multiple organizations. These ruins, then a car passage into Gestapo building, countless prisoners is from this "East Gate", entered the famous Gestapo "Single prisons."

Photo by Bo. W
Ruins of the basement, at the foot of the Berlin Wall (German: Berliner Mauer). Now, this area is named: Terror Zone (Topography of Terror). We went close contact with the history of these buildings, to feel the history in mind, to feel the brutal years of history, can make people unable to breathe......

Photo by Bo. W
Terror Zone (Topography of Terror) is an outdoor museum, located Niederkirchnerstraße, the original street is Princes Street Albrecht (Prinz-Albrecht-Straße). In the museum next to a memorial horror of execution.

Photo by Bo. W
On the other side of the Berlin Wall (German: Berliner Mauer), most decadent wasteland. In the gray building next to the Berlin Wall (German: Berliner Mauer), it was the former Nazi Luftwaffe Ministry (German: Reichsluftfahrtministerium) building, built between in 1933-1936. The building escaped the ravages of war, it is one of the few intact buildings in Berlin in the district government. Imperial Air Ministry building today is used as the German Finance Ministry.

Photo by Bo. W
Near the German Bundestag and the Brandenburg Gate, an area of 19,000 square meters, the 2711 stone composition, which is the massacre of Jews by Nazi Germany and the construction of the monument. The highest stone 4.7 meters, the lowest less than half a meter. Many people believe that the building itself is a silent monument, as deconstruction architectural masterpiece, the building in terms of air, ground, near or far, are giving a strong visual impact.

In this piece of land under the monument, it is the Jewish Museum Berlin (Jewish Museum Berlin). It is the largest Jewish history museum in Europe, its twists and turns, full of narrow angular appearance gives a strong visual impact, seem to be able to feel the Jewish experience. There are 3900 collections, records show a total of about two thousand years of Jewish history in Germany.

"One day this terrible war will end, we will eventually be people again and not just Jews!" (Anne language)