Sunday, August 23, 2015

Germany, Berlin - on the way in tourism(II)

Tiergarten park (Tiergarten)

Photo by Bo. W
Tiergarten park (German: Großer Tiergarten) "Tiergarten" are intended to be "animal garden", began in the Prussian nobility of hunting grounds. Berlin's Tiergarten park is the first public park, lush woods, meadows, forest, lakes there, the Victory Column also stands in the park on the west side. On the avenue around the Victory Column, as well as statues of some of the Prussian nobility.

Berlin musical chimes tower Carillon Towe

Photo by Bo. W
Germany is a country rich in musicians, the most famous is the "three B": Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, and others famous musicians in Germany: Jakob Ludwig Felir Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Robert Schumann, Richard Wagner, Richard Strauss, Carl Maria von Weber, Giacomo Meyerbeer and so on. Every 6:00 or 12:00, Berlin musical chimes tower, will automatically tap the musical world music.

Spree River

Photo by Bo. W
During this Berlin wall, there is a quietly flowing river, it is the Spree River. Spree River is through the Czech Republic in the Ústí nad Labem Region, import Elbe into the North Sea. Compared with the famous Paris Seine, the Thames in London, Vienna's Danube, the Rhine of Cologne, etc., it is so unknown in Europe. But meandering Spree River in the middle of the city of Berlin, but to witness this division of Berlin history. The banks of the Spree River for a long period, because of the Berlin Wall was built along the river, and become the border of East and West Berlin. This year sentry buildings, river barriers guarded, it had witnessed the destruction of many young lives yearning for freedom.

Berlin House of Representatives (Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin)

Photo by Bo. W
Opposite terror zone (Topography of Terror), which is in Niederkirchnerstraße, where a building is Berlin House of Representatives (German: Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin). From 1899 to 1933 it was the Prussian parliament building. In January 1, 1919, the German Communist Party was founded in the building. Since April 29, 1993, it is the Berlin House of Representatives (German: Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin).

Berlin House of Representatives (German: Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin), it is in front of the sculpture, the Prime Minister Freiherr vom Stein, who was a Prussian reformers.

Marx and Engels Square in Berlin
Photo by Bo. W
Although the Berlin Wall has collapsed, Berlin has no divided East and West Germany. But German intact to retain the original remains of the socialist camp, as is also well-preserved Brandenburg Gate (German: Brandenburger Tor), after the war.

Marx-Engels-Forum is a public park in the central Mitte district of Berlin, the capital of Germany. It is named for Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, authors of The Communist Manifesto of 1848 and regarded as the founders of the socialist movement. The park was created by the authorities of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) in 1986.

Photo by Bo. W
After German reunification in 1990, Marx - Engels Square (Marx-Engels Forum) in the future, become a controversial topic. Some people from the political point of view, advocated the removal of the statue, the park was renamed. Some other people from the artistic value and historical significance to consider, advocate preserved.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels statue, is a tourist attraction now. Visitors love and hand contact with Marx's knees to take pictures, so you will find the statue of Marx's knees are grind the original brass color.