Thursday, August 27, 2015

Germany, Berlin - Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church

Photo by Bo. W
Almost every city has a church destroyed in World War II, as a tourist attraction in Germany. It is to show people the terrible war, suggesting that the good people of peace. Berlin is no exception, retains relics of the war, the church was destroyed. Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church (Kaiser Wilhelm Gedachtnis Kirche).

Photo by Bo. W
Go to Berlin Zoo, it's easy to see this very special building - the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church (in German: Kaiser Wilhelm Gedachtnis Kirche). That broken roof, it tells the history of that period cannot be recalled. That year, in honor of Emperor William I of prominent buildings, now used as the bell tower of the wreckage has become a sign of Berlin and the whole of Germany. Its significance goes far beyond a building, a relic of the connotation. 

In 1895, Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church (German: Kaiser Wilhelm Gedachtnis Kirche) established. Nobody had expected after a hundred years the building has become the "wreckage", and reputation far too high then.

Photo come from internet
Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church (German: Kaiser Wilhelm Gedächtnis Kirche), it was Kaiser Wilhelm II in honor of his grandfather Wilhelm I, in 1891-1895 between the construction, a mix of Gothic and Romanesque style church. Church bell tower 113 meters high, decorated with reliefs and mosaics inside. In World War II, the church was destroyed, leaving only part of the wreckage. After World War II reconstruction, the people of Berlin decided to retain the church tower wreckage, as a warning to the disaster caused by the war and destruction.

Photo by Bo. W
Built around the wreckage of modern style of the new church. Today Belfry wreckage was surrounded by a modern building. Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church (German: Kaiser Wilhelm Gedächtnis Kirche), its interior mosaic painting is the ancient kings of Prussia Hohenzollern family.

Photo by Bo. W
The new modern style church, dividing the walls into more than 30,000 small square window for mainly blue stained glass mosaic. The Elector relief, showing the statue of Hohenzollern ruler’s generations. Now the new church bell tower, and the wreckage of the old church tower side by side. More vividly recount to people yesterday, today and tomorrow in Berlin.