Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Germany, Berlin - Mitte

Mitte is a more fashionable areas. There are a lot of very personalized small shops, I feel an artist relatively concentrated area. Mitte district of Berlin is the historic core, including some of Berlin's most important tourist attractions such as the Museum Island (German: Museumsinsel), the Brandenburg Gate (German: Brandenburger Tor), Unter den Linden and German Parliament Building (German: Plenarbereich Reichstagsgebäude), etc., most of which once belonged to East Berlin.

Museum Island

Photo by Bo. W
Berlin's Museum Island (German: Museumsinsel), a small island of the five museums gathered together. They are: Berlin Old Museum (Altes Museum), The New Museum (Neues Museum), the National Gallery (Alte Nationalgalerie), Bode Museum (Bodemuseum) and Pergamon Museum (Pergamonmuseum) composed of Berlin's famous Museum Island. Five museums, they clear division of labor, their collections a historical period, a geographic area, or an arts collection.

Photo from Internet
If time is limited to Berlin, only to see a museum, then I would recommend the New Museum (Neues Museum) in Berlin. Because of this museum, there is the most famous treasures of Egypt, it was a bust, "Nefertiti", as well as a wide range of Egyptian artifacts, including frescoes of Egypt, mummies and more. For me, do not go to Egypt, will be able to receive rich and wonderful culture of ancient Egyptian civilization, it is very informative.

Brandenburg Gate

Photo by Bo. W
Brandenburg Gate (German: Brandenburger Tor), it's the story of many: from the rise of the Kingdom of Prussia, the Franco-Prussian War, the goddess of victory statue lost and then get back, to the World War II destruction and reconstruction, the Cold War has become separated East and West Germany the link of the Berlin Wall "Iron Curtain." This series of events, so that the Brandenburg Gate (German: Brandenburger Tor) became one of Germany's modern history. It has as a pattern for the German and euro coins.

Unter den Linden

Photo by Bo. W
Unter den Linden Boulevard is the main street of the city of Berlin, which is a total length of 1,400 meters, 60 meters wide, was built in 1573. This boulevard consists of four rows of linden formed, which pierce the soul of Berlin. It is also the history of Prussia and the most solemn and luxurious side street in Germany, many magnificent and majestic buildings on both sides of Avenue, one of the most striking buildings should be Russian Embassy.


Photo by Bo. W
Reichstag (German: Plenarbereich Reichstagsgebäude), it was decided to build after Germany defeated France in 1871. As the future of Germany as rough and rugged fortunes, from the choice of the Reichstag address, collecting design, until the completion of the process for up to 20 years. Alone would determine the design scheme for 10 years, the last selected Frankfurt architect Paul Wallot, his neo-baroque design in 1882.

In the February 27, 1933 the building caught fire, part of the building was destroyed, cause of the fire is unknown. "Reichstag fire" has become an excuse for the Nazi persecution of political opponents of the rulers. World War II, the building was severely damaged. April 30, 1945, the Soviet Red Army to red flag the roof of the Reichstag (German: Plenarbereich Reichstagsgebäude) to announce the victory of the anti-fascist war.

In 1994-1999, Norman Foster (Norman Foster) to the size of the original building, modeled on the design of the Reichstag (German: Plenarbereich Reichstagsgebäude) was rebuilt, built for a modern Reichstag (German: Plenarbereich Reichstagsgebäude) office, the new dome for visitors go visit.

Photo by Bo. W
We go visit the following line in the building, then take the elevator directly to the top of the building. On top, we see the panoramic view of Berlin, and the feeling of this cultural fusion of ancient and modern charm of the city, but also see the year after leading the Red Army soldiers stand building, carved on a stone wall message. Top of the building, designed by Norman Foster, steel skeleton, with glass curtain wall of the dome. It has been dubbed the "British eggs (British Ei)". It is suspended from the top of a funnel-shaped pillars, the following is the hall of Parliament, and usually visitors can see the parliamentary session live from here. But when we went to the top of the building because of renovations and did not open.

On the lawn in front of the Reichstag (German: Plenarbereich Reichstagsgebäude), many people in the sun, rest and play. Scene painting cozy and comfortable, is confirmed inscriptions of the Reichstag (German: Plenarbereich Reichstagsgebäude), one after another dictator disappear in the course of history, but because of the people's needs, Reichstag (German: Plenarbereich Reichstagsgebäude) also stands in the center of Berlin.

You are free to go to visit the Reichstag, but to registration and security before entering.