Wednesday, August 27, 2014

6 Days Road Trip – (IV) Yellowstone National Park

Photo by Bo. W
In July 1, at 6:30 am, we all get up, go out after wash. We actually found outside that only 3 degrees. Fortunately, we brought a thick coat. My son trembling start the car. Today, the goal is to Yellowstone National Park, we went to the east all the way.

Photo by Bo. W
From the town of Cody to Yellowstone National Park's east entrance is about 53 miles, travel time is about one hour.

Photo by Bo. W
Along the sandstone, river, forest landscape, natural original scene really make people feel very well.

Photo come from internet
East entrance to Yellowstone National Park

Photo by Bo. W
In July the summer, from the east entrance to Yellowstone National Park into the valley, where the climate is cool, even more surprising is that the winter snow did not melt. Antelope walking freely in the foothills. 

Photo by Bo. W
And along the road, Yellowstone Lake in front. Crystal clear blue water, accompanied by the reflection of the mountains, it is very beautiful.

Photo by Bo. W
Yellowstone Lake is the most important place for the entire National Park, all creatures are relied on it grow up. Its average altitude of 2376 meters, covers an area of ​​352 square kilometers, with an average depth of 42 meters, the deepest is 118 meters. In North America, located sea level 2000 meters above in freshwater lakes, Yellowstone Lake can be regarded as the greatest. Stood by the lake, look around, distant snow still in the sun light, to see where the lake and the sky the same color, very elegant, fascinating.

Through the Fishing Bridge northbound, then to the Mud Volcano, that braved the bubble pond. We can also hear the roar from the mud pool hole.
Photo by Bo. W
Photo by Bo. W
Photo by Bo. W

Nearby Lake in Yellowstone National Park, there is a well-known Colorful Spring. That Colorful Spring, there must be a unique color. That is a fact. Because a large number of frequent geological movement, making all kinds of geysers dotted located in most areas of Yellowstone National Park. Took a little way, we shall see the fog cloud-shrouded, rotten egg smell blowing, it must be a geyser place, that must be the smell of sulfur from geology.
Photo by Bo. W
Photo by Bo. W

Photo by Bo. W
Photo by Bo.W

Clearly, nature has its unfairness. Such as geysers, some large, some small, some ugly, some beautiful, some unpleasant odor, and some smell okay. Ugly of it, just depressed, only one monotonous gray, like crows without makeup. Beauty of it, it is colorful, colorful overspill, as vivid patterns of birds. The Colorful Springs should be a queen among these birds.
Photo by Bo. W
Photo by Bo. W

Photo by Bo. W
Photo by Bo. W

These gorgeous bright colors, divided into many layers of color. They are pigmented bacterium, the results around the rich minerals and growth in the water environment. These microorganisms can produce all of the colors from green to red. The amount of color in microorganisms, that is, the ratio of chlorophyll, carotene, depending on the water temperature. Moreover, since the four seasons, the extent of the growth and activity of microorganisms is sometimes low, sometimes high, so they tune out the colors are different for each season. In summer, spring is often the orange and red. In the winter it is usually dark green. Color with the seasons change, it is also unique colorful spring. If bright colors, lose changes, so will become very concept of such factors, not that surprising.
Photo by Bo. W
Photo by Bo. W
Photo by Bo. W

Photo by Bo. W
In Yellowstone National Park to drive, as long as there is a lot of cars on the road or people stopping place, it must be someone discovered the wild animals (such as Buffalo, Moose, Pronghorn, etc.). Buffalo can only close, really daunting; fortunately it just obediently grazing. We just drove slowly, quiet in the past. We do not want to disturb it.

Photo by Bo. W
Buffalo is also not afraid of people and touches the car, turn a blind eye to the past. I do not know the person sitting in the car looking at 2000 pounds of Buffalo, is what kind of feeling?                                                  

Yellowstone National Park is very large, would like one day to finish off all is impossible, only choose priorities. In the evening, we chose to stay in Butte, MT. Travel 179 miles, about 3 hours 16 minus.