Monday, February 1, 2016

See you again, Miami

Photo by Bo. W
4 or 5 o'clock in the morning, from the silly gradually waking up in the silence of a hotel room, can vaguely hear the waves of the sea. Something thinking about leaving Miami, and my heart some dismay, so wear clothes, and take out the camera, to the beach to take a picture.

Photo by Bo. W
Took to the streets, the dawn, and some blue light, waking streets filled with grass incense. The morning breeze is cool, but also can feel some temperature humidity, be like clothes no dry. Rolled thick dark clouds in the sky, looks a bit dull. In the morning, tall coconut trees, palm trees swaying in the wind, as regards this morning.

Photo by Bo. W
Early in the morning, we once again came to the United States the famous beach - South Beach, blue sky, flocks of gulls, foot delicate soft white sand, clear blue waters. Although I live in the coastal city, but fresh and refreshing sea breezes, row upon row of palm trees, South Florida has too many places worthy of my memories.

Looking at the Atlantic, black clouds pressure on the surface, there are some faint light in the distance. Seawater is indulgent, layers of waves, the tide tirelessly roll from a distance, to launch the Pentium and fierce wave, give a person with rocks of shock. Waves surging, with huge roar, fiercely beat it to the shore. The spilling water onto the beach and the water head dozen meters. Wave and spray, rushing to spread out a noise on the beach, leaving a wet seal.

Stand on the shore of me in the face of the vast Atlantic Ocean, a myriad of thoughts, feeling refreshed. At the moment I think the Atlantic sea water is so deep, dark blue, broad, and magnanimous. It is also like an amorous girl, its beautiful feminine charm to attract my heart. I whom beautiful and dumping, amazing, unforgettable.

Some bright at sea, the sky became white clouds, scattered cloud floc bordered sharp edges. Sunrise at sea is beautiful, full of poetic, but at the moment the clouds obscured the view, can't see the red sun at sea, frustrating. However, along the seaside, stepping on the beach, walked all the way, review the magnificent sea, listening to the voice of the sea, is also very beautiful. People, cannot ask too harsh.

The sun appeared, the cloud in the sky, which reflects the warmth of pink. Although the sun rose above the horizon, but was blocked with the thick clouds, can't see the patch of bright red style.  

After a moment, the sun like woke up, with the enthusiasm of the invincible, tear the sky cloud layers, into patches of layer. The sun is very unwilling, to be free of the clouds, strong struggle, such as spring bamboo shoots of the ground, like a silver sword, each hard to drill out from the cloud seam, radiate brilliant light. The sharp momentum, the spirit of perseverance, the discharge of magnificent, grand unstoppable.  

Photo by Bo. W
Through the clouds of the sun is no longer red, less shy, weak but with brilliant golden holding up the sky. Seawater mixed white no longer, also into transparent blue, waves with a layer of golden glow.

Distant lights gone, turned into a ship's outline, decorate the style of the sea. In this case, all the sea are revealed, traces of the night without a trace, the day really begins.

Represent the sun finally smiled from the clouds, sing the
Photo by Bo. W
morning song of the sea
, between heaven and earth to also become colorful. Waiting for the day, although did not see the red sun jumped out to the surface of the tremor, could not feel vigorous rising classic picture, but I'm looking forward to, see the sun Pierce the clouds fight, see the sun's strong. There are clouds and sun as partners win wonderful,what about our life, should break through some things to create brilliant?!